Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Psychic Advice, Chemical Reaction

Several weeks ago I enlisted the advice of a psychic to try to determine the best course of action to heal my lungs. She told me that wheat and peanuts were creating a negative reaction in my body--this, according to my guides and her cards. She advised also that some therapeutic methods that I was considering trying would be of no lasting help. So I have gone wheat-free, though I have no typical symptoms of this issue. I have been monitoring my peak flows in the morning (I do this daily before I use Symicort). I was waking up a few points higher--just at 200, rather than 150-180, as is typical. However, after a trip to a Dr.'s office with my mother, I was exposed to some very harsh chemical "air fresheners" that gave me a nose bleed and then a nasty sinus infection. My peak flow has fallen since then, but should come around, as I am almost over the infection now. Perhaps I would have gotten even worse, had it not been for the new diet. It is hard to tell.
I want to give this at least a couple of months. It was difficult at first, but is getting easier as I am finding some decent alternatives to wheat and peanuts.

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